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Danh mục TaiLieu.VN
Lecture TCP-IP protocol suite - Chapter 16: Socket interface
The main contents of this chapter include all of the following: Some definitions, sockets, byte ordering, address transformation, byte manipulation functions, information about remote host, socket system calls, connectionless iterative server.
44 p vimaru 29/04/2016 1535 17
Từ khóa: TCP-IP protocol suite, Lecture TCP-IP protocol suite, Network layer, Internet protocol, Socket interface, Address transformation
Lecture TCP-IP protocol suite - Chapter 3: Underlying technology
Upon completion you will be able to: Understand the different versions of wired Ethernet, understand wireless Ethernet, understand the types of point-to-point WANs, understand the types of switched WANs, especially ATM, differentiate between repeaters, bridges, routers, and hubs.
60 p vimaru 29/04/2016 459 8
Từ khóa: TCP-IP protocol suite, Lecture TCP-IP protocol suite, Network layer, Internet protocol, Underlying technology, Local area networks
Lecture TCP-IP protocol suite - Chapter 18: Domain Name System (DNS)
After studying this chapter you will be able to: Understand how the DNS is organized, know the domains in the DNS, know how a name or address is resolved, be familiar with the query and response formats, understand the need for DDNS.
41 p vimaru 29/04/2016 449 16
Từ khóa: TCP-IP protocol suite, Lecture TCP-IP protocol suite, Network layer, Internet protocol, Domain Name System, Name space
Lecture TCP-IP protocol suite - Chapter 15: Application layer and client-server model
This chapter is an introduction to the application layer. In the next eight chapters we introduce common client-server applications used in the Internet. In this chapter, we give a general picture of how a client-server program is designed and give some simple codes of their implementation. The area of network programming is a very vast and complicated one; it cannot be covered in one chapter. We need to give a bird’s-eye view of this...
20 p vimaru 29/04/2016 1691 4
Từ khóa: TCP-IP protocol suite, Lecture TCP-IP protocol suite, Network layer, Internet protocol, Client-server model, Application layer
Lecture TCP-IP protocol suite - Chapter 19: TELNET and Rlogin
In this chapter you will learn: Concept, network virtual terminal (NVT), NVT character set, embedding, options, option negotiation, suboption negotiation, controlling the server, out-of-band signaling.
41 p vimaru 29/04/2016 1275 2
Từ khóa: TCP-IP protocol suite, Lecture TCP-IP protocol suite, Network layer, Internet protocol, Network virtual termina, NVT character set
Lecture TCP-IP protocol suite - Chapter 25: World Wide Web (WWW)
The chapter has several objectives: To discuss the architecture of WWW and describe the concepts of hypertext and hypermedia; to describe Web clients and Web servers and their components; to define URL as a tool to identify a Web server; to introduce three different Web documents: static document, dynamic document, and active document;...
24 p vimaru 29/04/2016 685 5
Từ khóa: TCP-IP protocol suite, Lecture TCP-IP protocol suite, Network layer, Internet protocol, World Wide Web, Browser architecture
Upon completion you will be able to: Understand the difference between an internet and an extranet, understand private, hybrid, and virtual private networks, understand how VPN can guarantee privacy, understand the mechanism of NAT.
14 p vimaru 29/04/2016 1374 8
Từ khóa: TCP-IP protocol suite, Lecture TCP-IP protocol suite, Network layer, Internet protocol, Private networks, Virtual private networks
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