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Danh mục TaiLieu.VN
Lecture TCP-IP protocol suite - Chapter 16: Socket interface
The main contents of this chapter include all of the following: Some definitions, sockets, byte ordering, address transformation, byte manipulation functions, information about remote host, socket system calls, connectionless iterative server.
44 p vimaru 29/04/2016 1535 17
Từ khóa: TCP-IP protocol suite, Lecture TCP-IP protocol suite, Network layer, Internet protocol, Socket interface, Address transformation
Lecture TCP-IP protocol suite - Chapter 2: The OSI model and the TCP/IP protocol suite
Learning objectives of this chapter include: Understand the architecture of the OSI model, understand the layers of the OSI model and their functions, understand the architecture of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite, differentiate between the OSI model and the TCP/IP Suite, differentiate between the three types of Internet addresses.
36 p vimaru 29/04/2016 1911 16
Từ khóa: TCP-IP protocol suite, Lecture TCP-IP protocol suite, Network layer, Internet protocol, The OSI model, Internet addresses
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